Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Stop looking for economic reasons.

They aren't there.

Work, savings, investment; uphill human effort in a Universe filled with cold gradients. Where is the incentive to run uphill? The universe provides the incentive, with its harsh rules.

So, what happens when the tribe shows up and tries to finesse the rules, via force? Well, a handful of tribal leaders argue that if they show up at the point of a gun and take $1 from someone who worked, saved, and invested-- either, by taxing them today, or by committing to tax them in the future by using their credit-- and then take that same $1 and simply give it to a connected political crony, that somehow 'stimulates' something that they refer to as 'The Economy.'

Lather, rinse, repeat. $1 becomes $1T.

And for some reason -- largely Schadenfreude -- most of the tribe believes it.

There is no economic reason in taking a dollar from point A and simply displacing it to point B in the economies, at the point of a gun. It is simply an attempt to shed risk from some onto others, in such a manner that those who are able to manage risk have no incentive to continue to do so, and at the same time, those who have no ability to manage risk have no incentive to modify their behavior.

It is pure tribal insanity, and we are knee deep in its throes.

America can take all the time necessary to finally figure this out, it isn't going to alter the end result.

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