Friday, December 28, 2007

Remarkably anisentropic separation of emigrating European Jews

Buongiorno specie al mio preferito!

An amazing thing happened in Europe in the last century. Persecuted European Jews fled the local fomenting insanity. Some emigrated to British Mandate Palestine, some to the United States. The colonies rimming the Med, once in thrall to the Ottoman Empire for hundreds of years were left in a vacuum when the Turks picked the wrong ally, lost a global war, then saw the handwriting on the wall and 'modern-ed up' behind Ataturk. A war weary West half heartedly redrew the maps, and the unfinished world war has been festering ever since. You should expect that kind of mess when you lose a major world war, but you should also expect residual mess when a conflict is ended early without pacifying all the players, especially those not regarded with enough respect to take seriously. Some of these brand new nations cast off their colonial chains and modern-ed up, some didn't, but the war weary West was in no mood to pacify every last local tribal crapfight over the dusty bones of the local prophet. The West had a party to throw called 'modernity', or so it thought, and wanted to get on with it.

In that context, the Jews who fled to the United States took their places in our nation as doctors, lawyers, teachers, businessmen, entertainers, artists, neighbors, citizens. They built their temples, they built their community centers, they raised their children, they flew to Israel and took their kids on bus trips to see the HolyLand, then flew back. They bought land, they built homes, they participated in our economies. They lived alongside of Arab Americans who were doing the same, and continued their 6,000 year tradition of values that have served them well..

The Jews who fled to Palestine tried to do the same. Wealthy by local standards, they arrived and bought land from the locals at prices that not even those selling the land could afford, and for this grave sin, they were hated. Arafat's 'uncle nazi' was a member of the 3 member Arab High Council in Jerusalem whose original complaint, long before the Hebron massacre in the early part of the 20th Century is summed up stunningly as follows: "Too many Jews buying land in the 'hood."

There it is, the nexus that led to the current intractable crap fight, and the sentiment we are supposed to get behind when we are asked to condemn the defensive response now known as the State of Israel. What are we asked to believe? That in Europe, a kind of Maxwell's Demon stood guard at the docks, and separated out all of the reasonable, peace loving Jews from the Arab baby eating monsters, and sent the former exclusively to America to live in peace and raise their families, and the latter to Palestine, to prey on the poor innocent Jew haters. I mean, local version of the KKK, with their "Too many Jews buying land in the 'hood' sensibilities.

It comes down to the same old class warfare and jealousy. The same Jews who arrived in Palestine were wealthy by local standards, and this was resented even by those selling land to them. The local KKK, after having its attacks on Israel thwarted not once but several times--and by thwarted, I mean, deservedly had the living crap kicked out of them--, now resorts to selective portrayals of history, who did what to whom when, in order to sign up support for the "Too many Jews buying land in the 'hood'" campaign.

One is confused, for about 20 milliseconds, when one wonders why so much of the West's radical Left signs up for the "Too many Jews buying land in the 'hood" campaign on the side of the local KKK. The confusion disappears when the class warfare aspect is brought into focus. First the Jews, and now the State of Israel represent "The Rich" in this local class war, and the local KKK represents "The Poor." The radical left understands only one calculus, and that calculus is forever based on "The Rich vs The Poor". "Poor" trumps "KKK" in that calculus, to the point where the "KKK" must be whitewashed away with incredible stories of unbelievably anisentropic spontaneous separation of peaceful European Jews and Arab baby eating Jews at those European docks.

That calculus, if enough once free people fall for it, will take us all to its inevitable conclusion, which is the sad spectacle of two miserable beings clad in rags, fighting in a hovel, arguing over whose sores are runnier as claim upon the not so maggoty piece of rotted meat.


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